Recipient Family Member
I was only 10 years old when my grandma started to get sick again. It started with her being in and out of the hospital a lot, and eventually the doctors told her she would have to stay until she could receive a transplant. This was not her first rodeo, she had already had a heart transplant before I was born. So she stayed and waited. At the time, I didn’t understand the significance this had on my family and me. I just knew that my mom had to spend more time in a different city with my grandma, and I would have to go down and visit with my brothers as much as I could. I spent a lot of time in the hospital that year. My younger brother and I even spent Halloween night dressed up with her in the hospital. One weekend, when my brother and I were visiting, we we found out it was time. I remember sitting in her room after just waking up and the doctor coming in to tell us the great news. My whole family drove down that day. Not only did my grandma receive a new heart on, November 16th, 2014, she also received a new kidney. This was the greatest gift and looking back now I realize more than ever how important it was that my grandma was able to receive a second chance at life. Since then, I have made so many outstanding memories with my grandma that I will cherish forever. My grandma came to every sporting event I had as a kid, taught me how to bake, watched me graduate from high school, helped me move in to college. To this day I still cherish every moment I spend with her, and I am so thankful that because of organ donation I will be able to continue to make more memories with her. |