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Gina- Son is waiting for a lifesaving transplant

Alex was born with damaged kidneys, ureters, and bladder due to Posterior Urethral Valve (PUV). We were told from birth that he would need a kidney transplant. They said if he could get past 2 years old with his kidneys he would probably be able to wait until pre-puberty/puberty for a transplant.

Alex turned 14 in July 2021.  At that time we were told that he had 19% kidney function and it was time to begin the search for a kidney. He is currently on the deceased donor list and we are actively searching for a living donor kidney.

Our plans were to transplant in April 2022, heal through the summer, and be ready to start his sophomore year with a new kidney, but of course, life never goes according to plan.  Alex is still doing well enough that he does not need dialysis but our hopes are to find a kidney soon so he can get back to being a teenager.