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Brooklyn-Liver Recipient

I’m Brooklyn Nicole Dotson. I am a recipient of a liver transplant, at only eighteen months old. I became sick at only two months
old and got diagnosed with a disease called Alpha one. Alpha One is an antitrypsin deficiency. Alpha one may result in lung or
liver disease. Alpha one mainly affected my liver.

When I was only one-year-old I got put on the list for a liver transplant. I finally got my liver transplant on December 29th, 2003. My liver came from a well known, loving, and sweet young boy; named Michael. If it weren’t for my organ donor, and his family I would not be here today! This liver transplant improved not only my health but saved my life !!

Becoming an organ donor and encouraging people to become one means so much to me! There are so many benefits to becoming an organ donor. One organ donor can save up to eight recipients and exchange the lives of fifty others. Becoming an organ donor can allow someone to have a better lifestyle, and can also help grieving families. I would encourage everyone to become an organ donor and help save lives like Michael did mine!

I would love to thank my organ donor’s family, thank you for giving me the gift of life!! I have immense respect, and love for you all! Also a huge thanks to everyone who has supported me and helped me through my journey. I’m forever grateful! One person can save and change many lives by
becoming an organ donor! Thanks to my organ donor Michael, I’ll be graduating high school, this coming year! Register now to Save Lives!