Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life Unveils ‘Life Lift’ Cell Phone Gaming App For Today’s Tech-savvy Generation.
A paradigm shifting digital platform that promotes organ donation education, awareness and action, geared for Generation Z and beyond.
Erin Jones, in.Mode Marketing,, 502.774.0767
Shelley Snyder, KCCC Trust For Life,, 502.322.5401
Louisville, KY, Wednesday, July 17, 2019 – Trust For Life (TFL), the charitable arm of the Kentucky Association of Circuit Court Clerks (KCCC), partnering with Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA) and Louisville-based Marketing agency Power, held a press conference this morning to announce its innovative new cell phone digital gaming app ‘Life Lift’. While geared for the current generation born in the late 1990s and 2000s, the app – available for both Android and iPhone users at no charge – ‘Life Lift’ is user-friendly to educate and promote awareness around organ, eye and tissue donation for all ages.
Held at Louisville’s Bowman Field, the epicenter of the Commonwealth’s organ donation air transplantation, the event featured an array of guest speakers including Shelley Snyder, Executive Director of the Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life and Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates; Sarah Moyer, M.D., M.P.H., Director of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health & Wellness; David Nicholson, Jefferson County Circuit Court Clerk; David Power, Chief Executive Officer, Power Agency Louisville; Adrienne Rogers, a donor heart recipient; Jenna LaSota, BS, MSBS-HDS, CTBS, CPTC, CTP Donor Center Operations Manager of KODA; and Jamie Adams ATP, CFII, Manager Aviation, all of whose compelling remarks were heard by an audience of educators, students and representatives from supporting Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust for Live and Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates partners. Upon conclusion guests were encouraged to upload the new app, tour an organ transplant plane parked in its hangar, and more.
An air drop/time-based game, ‘Life Lift’ is similar in nature to action style games with an endless runner style, featuring air transport and drop off of organs to hospitals; races against time and navigation through obstacles (clouds, birds, water towers, etc.) to deliver organs and save lives; and unlocking different aircraft types and characters as players proceed through the game. And while this engaging and creative app may be a gaming concept, it’s not just a game; it’s about real life: ‘Life Lift’ teaches the urgency of donation, the crucial need for organs, and the shortage of those organs.
“Nonprofits must embrace innovation and the rapid change in our communities toward electronic education and conversations,” said Shelley Snyder of Executive Director, Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life and Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates. “With our mission to increase donor registration and help the children and adults of Kentucky in need, we’ve decided to really embrace innovation and go where people are on their phones.”
“It was truly our privilege to have had the opportunity to work with The Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust for Life and Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates on the ‘Life Lift’ mobile game targeted at high schoolers. We are so excited to use an innovative piece of technology in a fun and creative way to communicate and educate users about organ donation,” stated Shareen Dunn, Executive Director of Digital Services at Power.
You can download the application on your Apple and Android Device.
The mission of the Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks’ Trust For Life is to inform, educate, and encourage Kentuckians to register as organ and tissue donors to save the lives of the thousands of residents on the waiting list for transplants; for more information visit Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA)’s mission is to provide organ and tissues to those in need and to maintain a profound respect for those who gave; for further information visit These two nonprofits partner closely to educate and improve the lives of Kentuckians through the vitally important act of organ donation and transplantation.