Cindy- Liver Recipient

Cynthia is a mother of 3 boys and a dedicated wife to her husband of 35 years.  3 years ago their lives were hectic, as you can expect in a family of 5, but nothing prepared them for what was on the horizon. 

One day Cynthia was scheduled to go to her doctor’s office because she was experiencing some yellowing of the eyes.  She didn’t think much of it, as she had no pain anywhere else and was otherwise, completely healthy.  Her doctor ordered bloodwork, and the very next day, at 6:30 am, she received a call from her doctor telling her to pack a bag and get her things together to go to Jewish Hospital. She didn’t know she was in liver failure. 

Cynthia thought she was depressed.  She was tired and didn’t want to eat.  Her Father had passed, and her son had been in a serious accident, so she thought that she was just down in the dumps as a result of these unfortunate life events.  Little did she know that this was not depression, but more accurately, symptoms.  They first thought it was her gald baller, but she was in full liver failure and her only hope to survive and continue to raise her family, was a lifesaving liver transplant.

She was in the hospital about 2 weeks, before her family received the news that she was given a second chance at life from a perfect stranger.  Cynthia was in a coma at the time, so that she may remain stable enough to receive a transplant. 

Once the transplant was completed she remained in a coma for several days.  Her husband was devastated during this time, wondering what he would do if he lost her.  Cynthia vividly recalls hearing her husband “begging her to open her eyes” when she first became conscious after her surgery, and how grateful they all were to have been given this gift.

Cynthia is now 3 years’ post-transplant and doing well.  She says that she now values her quite time and is more reserved after her transplant.  “It changes you inside and out”, says Cynthia “our family has gotten so much closer and my faith is so much stronger now.  I am so grateful for all the additional gifts this transplant has given us”.  She would like to thanks the great Doctors and Staff at Jewish hospital and Fraizer Rehab. She will be eternally grateful to Dr Eric Davis and Dr Christopher Jones and the prayers that saved her life. Since her transplant, she has been able to see her son graduate from high school, enjoy family gatherings, and generally live out her life to the fullest. 

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